We believe that life is best lived in authentic, everyday relationships.
God created us with a desire for community, and we want to help you get connected to others, grow in your love for Him, and experience the joy and growth that comes from being part of a committed, Christ-centered family.
If you’re looking to get plugged in, we’d invite you to join us for worship, an event or study, or through serving alongside us!
Worship With Us
Each Sunday we gather to glorify and enjoy God through worship.
Wherever you are in your relationship with Him, you are welcome here!
Sunday School
9:00 am
Coffee, Donuts, & Fellowship
10:00 am
Sunday Worship
10:30 am
Attend an Event
We have ministry groups for men, women, teens, tweens, and children! These groups regularly plan social events, Bible studies, retreats, outings, meals together, and more.
Find out more about our upcoming events via the links below, or on our calendar page.

Join A Small Group
Life isn’t easy and we weren’t designed to do it alone.
In a Small Group, you have the chance to know others and be known- finding joy and strength as you seek to live out the gospel in every day life.

Join A Serve Team
We believe that one of the best ways to get to know others is to volunteer alongside them. There’s a place here for every skill and talent, and we’d invite you to share yours with us!