Our Children’s Ministry is passionate about demonstrating God’s love to children of all ages.
Our aim is to introduce young children to who God is and what he’s done for them- and show them how they can have a personal relationship with him. We’re committed to supporting and equipping parents as they raise their families to know and love the Lord.
What to Expect
When you arrive, a greeter will welcome you and help you get children ages 0 years-4th grade checked into their classes via tablets.
Your family will all receive printed name tags with matching security numbers. When you pick up your children from their classroom, teachers will ensure security numbers match before releasing your child back to you.
We know it’s not easy to leave your children with just anyone- that’s why all of our volunteers have passed both a background check and a training session before becoming Children’s Ministry volunteers. Plus, no child will be released without matching security numbers.
Have questions? Just look for someone with a Kids at BAPC name tag and they’d be happy to assist you!

We offer both Infant (0-walking) and Toddler (walking-3 years) nursery for 9am Sunday School and 10:30am worship.

Nursing Room
We offer a nursing room where parents can feed, change, and rock their infants, including a TV with a livestream of the worship service.

Sunday School
At 9am we offer classes for all ages, including our youngest! Children begin the hour with a time of music, before breaking into classes by age for their lesson and activities.

Sunday Morning Singers
For children ages 4 years-2nd grade, Sunday School begins with a time of praise and worship with our Choir Director, before being broken into classes by age for lessons and activities.

Children’s Church
Midway through the worship service, children ages 4 years old–2nd grade are invited to attend Children’s Church, where a teacher will lead them through a Bible story, a craft or activity, and play!

Worship Binders
For older kids who would like a little help sitting through the service, we offer activity binders and drawing clipboards at the Check In table in the lobby.

Meet Our Children’s Ministry Director
After co-leading our Youth Ministry with her husband, Ethan, for two years, Hannah joined our staff in 2021 as the Children’s Ministry Director. A High School science teacher-turned-stay-at-home-mom, Hannah has experience teaching children of all ages and is passionate about sharing the Gospel with them in creative, hands-on ways.
Looking for a place to serve?
Whether you have little availability or a lot, there’s always room for you in Children’s Ministry!
From rocking babies to playing with toddlers, prepping crafts to assisting with VBS, there are so many ways to get involved! Let us know your preferences via the link below.